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8-Lesson Package
Extension Policy

Eligibility for Extensions:

    1. Personal Reasons

  • Students enrolled in the 8-lesson package are eligible for a one-time extension of up to 2 weeks for personal reasons.

  • To request this extension, parents or guardians must notify us at least 24 hours before the scheduled lesson to be missed. Notifications should be sent via email to or via WhatsApp to Mircea at +852-9126-0885.

  • This extension allows the student to reschedule missed lessons within a 2-week period from the original package end date.

    2. Medical Reasons

  • In addition to the personal extension, students may be granted an extra extension for medical reasons, allowing them to reschedule lessons for an additional period of up to 2 weeks.

  • This extension must be supported by a doctor’s letter and requested within 7 days of the missed lesson.

  • Notifications should be sent via email to or via WhatsApp to Mircea at +852-9126-0885.

  • This extra extension allows the student to reschedule missed lessons within a 2-week period from the end of the personal extension or the original package end date, whichever is later.

    3. Evaluation and Decision

  • Cognitive Champions will evaluate each case with care, and we will make our final decision. Decisions are final, and special approvals are only for specific cases. These special approvals will not transfer to future incidents. Each situation is treated as a unique case.

    4. Extension Procedures

  • To apply for an extension, parents or guardians must contact us via email at or WhatsApp Mircea at +852-9126-0885. The request must include:

    • The student’s name.

    • The reason for the extension (personal or medical).

    • Relevant documentation (e.g., doctor’s letter for medical extensions).

    • The dates of the lessons to be rescheduled.

    5. Forfeiture of Package

  • Non-Notification: If you fail to inform us as per the above guidelines, the missed lesson will be marked as a “no-show,” and no extension will be granted. The class will automatically be counted as taken.

  • Non-Extension: If an extension is not requested within the stipulated guidelines, or if the lessons are not completed within the extension period, the remaining lessons in the package will be forfeited.

  • No Refunds: No refunds or credits will be provided for unused lessons once the package is forfeited.

    6. Rescheduling of Lessons

  • Rescheduled lessons must be booked within the granted extension period.

  • Rescheduled lessons are subject to availability and may not be guaranteed at the same time or with the same instructor.

    7. General Conditions

  • Extensions and rescheduling are granted based on our standard operating procedures and are subject to the availability of class slots and instructors.

  • We reserve the right to amend these policies at any time. Changes will be communicated to all enrolled students and parents or guardians via email and updated on our website.

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